Bold equals impact.
Bold equals impact.
Reinvented bar.
Oh how I love an old home. Preservation of a historical home is essential when you have a gem like this.
With all the rain on the East coast we welcome spring and the beauty of these blooms to come.
Happy Spring!
Everyone loves white. The blend of the sheers, sofa and upholstered walls creates an ethereal feel.
Chinoiserie always has a special spot in my heart, especially printed on grass cloth. This is a throwback to my earlier work.
Moody Monday….it’s always impressive how wallpaper makes a statement.
Dining room spectacular with this embroidered wallcovering in army green and gold mixed with the abstract area rug in bold jewel tones.
A daughters bedroom we recently completed in luscious lavender and silver. This room makes me so happy. We custom designed the tufted headboard to span the entire wall. The beautiful Palladian window serves as an architectural backdrop. Look closely there are so many special details, the silver moroccan ceiling paper, inset embroidered tape at the window treatments, and the faux fur throw at the bottom of the bed just to name a few.